Friday, July 30, 2010


Where is the world , that land,
The place where exist that pure sand??

Where there is an immense peace,
Where life can be lived in much ease.

The eyes looked for it and went ON and ON,
In search of land , it followed the placid SONG.
Which melted the sugar of love in ears,
Which dissolved all trouble and fears.

The land which has no war o division,
A world which is not chopped in the name of religion.

Where ADAM'S apple does not dominate eves,
Where women are happy and equality she receives.

Search a land where CHRIST lives,
For food where no CHILD cribs,

If you find the world one as such,
Hide it , stay mum.. you can as much.

As may a war will start to win the HOLY land,
Purity of which will dissolved by DIRTY hand.


  1. Can Some body show me the way to my secret world???

  2. the journey commences through an entity called the soul!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous! welcome to this blog!...well please elucidate your point and also yes its true but soul is an entity which is not the only thing required to commence a journey and journey commence only when the body allows the soul to move in this direction!!!
    keep reading!
