Friday, January 22, 2010


Thinking of the day whenyou went away.

Come back those happy days , is all I pray.

What life to take , what a bond to break.

Whats the secret , What was my mistake.

Nothing exists , no life ahead.

Autumn is what , forever is see, is spread.

When u flew , left a heart half dead.

All left with me is tears to shed.

Philosphy , chocolates , songs to heal my heart.

But what to do to this soul torned apart.

I tried really hard not to cry over u.

Still undrained , unburnt memories are few.

What Ever I do.

But I'll be missing you.

Because every tear is just one more reminder, that,

Don't know how to let you go.

Whatever I do,

But I'll be missing you.


With all storms hitting me endlessly.

leaving no hope to forward neverthlessly.

Won't give up , no matter ....

how much crippled he makes me.

What wound he bistows,

No matter how hardship he shows.

my heart still bears the pain.

All tormoils, and troughs it sustains.

This has targets to achieve.

This soul has to keep in itself a belief.

Lets see how much tests he takes..

Assure him today, each one I pick, to me stronger it makes.

The harshness he may root.

Troubles he may shoot.

But beyond my WILL power.

nothing exist, which can.................

shatter my passion , for a glitsum life.


to change my dreams , for which

till now I've strive.


Its hard to stand alone in a fight.

ITS hard to understand other's plight.

When we are in pain, we cry river.

But did u ever shed a tear of else's share??

We always wanted to be cared,

But did u ever bother to become a GIVER.??

Lost is the word 'WE'.

Lost is the cloud of glee.

Why it always comes first 'me'

The seed of selfishness has now become a tree.

oh! machine made humans there....Is the human died off ur machine???

Will WE find one beneth the layers????

FRIENDSHIP??? (Is it just a dictionary word)

Tell me what is ir?

Tell me once why it happened..a reason of conflict.

When you len ur trust ur friends,...

Its done not not for months or years...

but till the end.

Is friendship is nothing but a mistake??

Is it a showoff or abitter cake???

Now , its that we all fallen apart........

Why friends touches 'n' then STABBS the heart.

When creepyness crawls around...

and when friends become warrior of sound.

It can never be mended...

It was that all of us offended..........

Wounds will be fresh forever...

Hope that days buries,, and repeats never.

But my question to the world is ..........

is friendship is a dictionary word.



Since day to night, 'N' birth to birth.

There's only onething on which..

we keep our faith.

Blind we are, beggers we become.

COZ of depending upon it...

options so left are from many to some.

Lets the man become a slave.

Making him forget the 'WILL'.

and arena shifts from world to cave.

Forgets the man , what means to be brave.

From just a word, it grows to excuse.

Its all destiny on which , every thing gets defused.

Now I realise , why god gifted this.

To hide the weakness , lazy has a bliss.

It makes a soul a puppet .....

only to runbehind name and Dame.

That's it , the destiny game.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:44 PM

Very lovely, really beautiful
those dreams in my eyes.

I can't forget those in my whole life
Yes true, it was all about FRENCH FRIES.

Dipped in hot sauce,,,... spread....
all over creamy cheese slice.

My tongue lies ,
they always want to taste them.

It left me dreaming all over nights.

Do you want to know what,
it really feels like.

Oh! dear!!! Help ur self.
Read the first line.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:29 PM
"How are you
I am fine thank u"

Now in the city there is a new trend.
Every body has atleast one phone friend.

Its very interesting to know someone like this
Its like a saltry tear n a sweet kiss.

Even I know one who is a nice guy.
Talks to me alot but says a quick bye.

His voice is so soft, his words floats ike a bird.
but sometimes...
he behave as if in mouth stored some frozen curd.

OK! its very expensive to talk on phone,
To express ur self only through tone.

Its an interesting hobby..
Any one can try...
But if it shoots a problem then plz don't cry.